Arcus Power

Spike in PJM Capacity Prices and What They Mean for the Energy Market

Electricity prices are about to increase for approximately 65 million Americans. The rules that prevent new clean energy from being constructed are largely responsible for this. Last week, PJM, which manages the power grid serving Washington, D.C., and 13 states stretching from the mid-Atlantic coast to the Great Lakes, held its annual capacity auction. During this auction, the prices earned by participants were 10 times higher than the previous year. This considerable increase will result in higher electricity costs for PJM customers. Additionally, it serves as a clear signal to the energy industry: if you build to meet the need for reliable energy, you will be rewarded.

Understanding the PJM Capacity Auction Spike

The 2025/26 Base Residual Auction (BRA) results were striking, with capacity prices reaching $269.92/MW-day for most of the PJM region. In the Baltimore Gas and Electric (BGE) zone and the Dominion zone, prices hit their caps at $466.35/MW-day and $444.26/MW-day, respectively. This nearly tenfold increase from previous auctions has raised significant concerns.

PJM Market Dashboard on Arcus Power

Key Drivers of Price Increases

1. Tightening Supply Conditions:

The retirement of older generation resources and increased demand, particularly from data centers, have tightened the supply-demand balance. This scarcity has driven up prices as available capacity struggles to meet growing demand.

2. Changes in Market Rules:

The implementation of Capacity Performance rules, which require generators to ensure availability during extreme weather events, has led to the exit of less reliable resources. Additionally, clean energy policies have retired coal-fired plants, replacing them with intermittent renewables like wind and solar, which present reliability challenges during high-demand periods.

3. Revised Forecasting and Capacity Calculations:

PJM’s updated reliability risk forecasts and capacity contribution calculations have underscored the need for robust capacity to ensure grid reliability, further driving up prices.


4. Resource Mix Dynamics:

The auction revealed that nearly half of the cleared capacity came from gas generation (48%), followed by nuclear (21%) and coal (18%). Renewables like wind and solar made up a minimal portion (1%), highlighting a reliance on fossil fuels and the need for a more diversified energy portfolio.

Market Reactions and Concerns

1. Generation Owners’ Perspective:

High prices indicate a need for new investments in generating capacity. However, the compressed auction schedule and backlog in the interconnection queue present challenges for timely responses to these price signals. Additionally, the increased competition from renewables and the potential impact of future carbon pricing policies may affect the profitability of new investments. The high prices at this auction will result in higher electricity bills for consumers in PJM’s footprint, particularly those on fixed-rate contracts who are not able to take advantage of lower market rates. This may lead to concerns about affordability and calls for regulatory intervention.

2. Capacity Performance Concerns:

While Capacity Performance rules were designed to ensure grid reliability during extreme weather events, some stakeholders have expressed concerns about their effectiveness, citing that they have contributed to higher prices without significantly improving reliability. They argue that the high prices at this auction could have been avoided if it were not for Capacity Performance rules.

Consumer advocates worry that the compressed auction schedule and interconnection backlog limit market participants' ability to respond effectively to price signals. They also criticize PJM’s slow adaptation and lack of long-term transmission policy reforms. They believe these issues could lead to higher prices and reduced reliability in the long term.

Renewable energy advocates view the high prices at this auction as a positive sign for clean energy investments. They argue that renewables, particularly solar and wind, are becoming increasingly cost-competitive with traditional fossil fuel sources, making them an attractive option for new generation capacity.

But they also recognize that bringing a lot of intermittent renewable energy into the grid can be tricky. They’re urging for better transmission infrastructure to help support this growth.

3. Environmental Groups’ Advocacy:

Environmental groups say that our dependence on fossil fuels is pushing prices higher. They believe PJM should bring in more renewable energy projects from its interconnection queue to diversify resources and make the grid more reliable and affordable. Plus, they’re pushing for better clean energy procurement options, like long-term contracts or advanced renewable energy credits. Their aim? To speed up the shift to a cleaner, more sustainable energy system in the PJM area.


1. Need for Strategic Investments:

The auction results really show how important it is to invest smartly in our generation and transmission infrastructure. Exelon's response highlights the need for more transmission projects to tackle resource shortages and issues in plants like BGE.

2. Enhancing Grid Reliability:

Improving grid reliability requires investing in new generation capacity, improving transmission infrastructure, and integrating renewable energy sources. These steps are important to tackle the tightening supply-demand balance and avoid any future price shocks.

3. Promoting Renewable Energy Integration:

The significant increase in PJM capacity prices underscores the importance of accelerating renewable energy integration. By expediting the approval and development of renewable projects, PJM can diversify its resource mix, enhance grid reliability, and protect consumers from future price shocks.

The recent jump in PJM capacity prices is a big wake-up call for the energy market. It shows us how important it is to make smart investments, improve our forecasting, and rethink market designs. By tackling these issues, we can boost grid reliability, support renewable energy, and shield consumers from price surprises down the line. Staying proactive and using advanced forecasting and market insights will help everyone navigate the changing energy landscape better and work toward a sustainable, reliable, and affordable energy future.